She is very skittish around the little kids, and my mom said dogs that are skittish tend to bite. I highly doubt that she will but my mom has contacted the lady and asked her to take her back. :(
I am really bummed. She is SOOOOO nice!
I will not be able to get another one until I am done with a play that I'm in. (Charlotte's Web. I am one of the narrators, which the director said he wanted to be crows.)
Her name is spelled a little different than I am used to. I have a younger sister named AbIgail, not AbEgail. But whatever. :)
I grabbed these pictures from the Red River SPCA website, and she looks aLOT skinnier in the pictures than in real life. She is all fluffy, and fat. she reminds me of when the little girl on Despicable Me says "It's so fluffy I could DIE!!!" and, "IT'S SO FLUFFY!!!!!!" (If you have not seen that movie I highly recommend it.)
Well that's all for now, I will update y'all later!
~Maddie and Abby
If you would like to see Red River Spca website here is the address: