Friday, January 6, 2012


Okay, so I said that I would tell you guys about Annie and here it is.
Annie is a female, now nine month old, black lab puppy, and she has a little five point white star on her chest. Now, when I saw her star and her white tipped toes, I was thinking that she was a mix. But my mom researched black labs, and found out that the earliest black labradors had white spots on their chest.

Annie looks all lab. She has the lab lips, the tail, the coat and all the other traits of a labrador. She was going to be adopted, but the guy never called, so I get to keep Annie for at least two more months. *smile* 

Annie and her sister Danny, were found together on the side of the road in a ditch. The lady that found them had driven by after work that night and saw them laying there, and in the morning, on her way to work, they were still there so she took them in and the rest is history. Danny is really dark chocolate, and in certain lightings she looks all black. One of the best thing about Annie, is that she has not had one accident inside, or in her crate. Go Annie! 

One of the problems with Annie is that when I let her out side, she goes crazy! Any shoes that have been left outside are in her mouth in minutes. And when I say COME she darts away. If the little girls are outside, she wants to play with them sooooo bad. She will jump on them, do a little play bow, and run around them. This FREAKS them out. Does anybody have any tips on how to make her calm down outside?

1. How to SIT on command. (with a little persuasion)
2. To go into her kennel willingly. 
3. To walk on a leash. (this one is a life saver!)
4. To go to bed on command.

~Maddie & Annie

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Quick Post!

This is going to be a really quick post. I am still interested in puppy raising but because of the gas prices I cant at the moment. BUT I am fostering a female, 8 month old black lab named Annie right now. She is VERY sweet with a streak of stubborn. She might be adopted this week, but the man that might be adopting her is also looking at her sister Dannie(or Danny). Her and her sister were both found on the side of the road when they were little puppies. I will give more info later!